Starting a $15/mth membership
It was just after midnight last night and I was a bit annoyed with myself for humming and haaing over this project.
I decided to post a short note to my Facebook profile. I’ve 880 friends on Facebook and have been a bit more active than normal these last few months so thought I might get a few bites.
This is what I posted, and I woke to 17 people saying they’re interested!
I then wondered what to do with each person who raised their hand.
I don’t have a domain setup for this project, and no “squeeze page” to get people’s email addresses and put them on a wait list.
I also wanted to know a bit more about what people wanted, so I knocked up my first ever Google Form (they’re free!) and privately Facebook messaged each person with “Hi <name>” and then this:
I think I’ve messaged about 24 people to date, and 12 have filled in the Google Form.
The great bit about Google Forms is they can insert the data automatically into a Google Sheet.
Here’s the questions I’ve asked and some of the amazing responses:
You don’t need a fancy announcement or “launch”.
You don’t need to build an email list with email software such as Mailchimp or ActiveCampaign.
Ask people what they want so you know to create it for them.
Just get started and adjust as you go.